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Join Our Volunteer Team

Become an integral part of our mission to support school board candidates who prioritize integrity and excellence in our district. Your time and effort can make a significant difference. Join us in our activities and help shape the future of our schools.

Our Mission

Citizens for SYCSD is a local, non-partisan group working together to elect qualified and ethical leaders to the Southern York County School District Board of Directors.

We endorse candidates committed to working with the administration to ensure the highest-quality public education for our students.

Our Priorities

We believe in Academic Excellence

Every student’s success depends on experiences and relevant curriculum that prepare students to be college and career-ready. The curriculum must be in accordance with state and federal law.

We Believe in Fiscal Responsibility

The school board answers to the taxpayers of our community. Tax dollars should be used to support and improve the education and experiences of our students.

We Believe in a Safe Learning Environment

Fostering an environment of respect for both persons and property is critical to providing each student with an opportunity to thrive.

We Believe in Trusting and Respecting our Educational Professionals

Our educators are the glue that holds our school community together. Supporting our educational professionals benefits our students, families, and the entire community.

What can YOU do?


Why a PAC (Political Action Committee)?

PACs are organized for the purpose of raising money to elect candidates. They help to:

  • Select and support a slate of candidates
  • Network, train, and organize volunteers
  • Distribute educational literature

Our PAC is committed to non-partisanship.

What does it mean to be non-partisan?

As a non-partisan group, we are not supported financially by outside political groups, but rather rely on funding from local stakeholders.

Candidates that we support must agree to cross-file on both the Republican and Democratic primary tickets which is as close to non-partisan as a candidate can get given the closed PA primary system.

We seek to support candidates who bring the spirit of non-partisanship to their role as board director to ensure that decisions are made based on what is best for students, teachers, and the school district.

What are the key aspects of being non-partisan in this context?

Focus on Education: Prioritizing the educational needs, safety, and well-being of students without letting political affiliations dictate decisions.

Objectivity: Making impartial decisions based on evidence, community needs, and expert recommendations, rather than party-driven goals.

Collaboration: Working with fellow board members, school administrators, teachers, and the community to achieve consensus on key issues without political divisions.

Community Representation: Representing the interests of the entire community, including families with diverse political views, backgrounds, and priorities.

Policy Development: Ensuring that policies are crafted to benefit the school district rather than advancing a partisan platform.

Why are school board elections important?

School boards greatly impact the quality of the education the children in our community receive and on ALL of our property taxes!!

We believe strongly that:

  • The school board should reflect our community
  • The school board should NOT be used to advance a political agenda

*Voter turnout has been less than 20% in school board elections, meaning many in our community are not making their voices heard!

Voter Registration

Voter registration deadline is May 5th

Primary Election

The Primary Election is May 20th

Join Our Volunteer Team

Become an integral part of our mission to support school board candidates who prioritize integrity and excellence in our district. Your time and effort can make a significant difference. Join us in our activities and help shape the future of our schools.