Our Mission
Mission Statement:
Citizens for SYCSD is a local, nonpartisan group of stakeholders working together to elect qualified and ethical leaders to the Southern York County School District Board of Directors. We endorse candidates committed to working with the administration to ensure the highest-quality public education for our students.
We Believe in Academic Excellence
Every student’s success depends on experiences and relevant curriculum that prepare students to be college—and career-ready. The curriculum must be in accordance with state and federal law.
We Believe in Fiscal Responsibility
The school board answers to the taxpayers of our community. Tax dollars should be used to support and improve the education and experiences of our students
We Believe in a Safe Learning Environment
Fostering an environment of respect for both persons and property is critical to providing each student with an opportunity to thrive.
We Believe in Trusting and Respecting our Educational Professionals
Our educators are the glue that holds our school community together. Supporting our educational professionals benefits our students, families, and the entire community..